Ethics and literature today: the state of the question, the legacy of the past

Top NewsPast event
Colloque Révolutions morales

The international symposium "Ethics and Literature today" aims to understand why morality is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of literary works today.

23 25 March 2023
9h 18h

The international symposium "Ethics and Literature today" aims to understand why morality is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of literary works today. In order to answer this question, the aim is to take stock of the research on the relationship between literature and ethic,s and to reconstruct the essential stages of the joint history of the two disciplines, from the Renaissance to the 21st century. The analysis of specific cases (Oarystis 2017, Max Fox 2020) will allow us to closely identify the changes taking place. The dialogue between moral philosophers and literary theorists will allow us to deepen two of LETHICA's themes ("making a case", "moral revolutions"), to contribute to the training of students and to explore how to better define the truth content of literature, its forms, and its relevance in the reading process.

There will be a workshop on Wednesday March 22, conferences (March 23-24) and a debate with a writter March 23).

Forecast program :

1) Littérature et éthique : l’état de la question

Matthias Roick (Varsovie), Barbara Carnevali (EHESS)

2) Les changements en cours au prisme de l’histoire :

Vincenza Perdichizzi (Unistra)

3) La littérature comme soin (ou pas):

Anthony Mangeon (Unistra, Nicholas Manning (Grenoble IUF), Aline Lebel (science Po)

4) Littérature après #metoo : une réflexion éthique ?

Anne Tomiche (sorbonne université), Lise Wajmann (Paris Cité), Charlotte Marincola (Unistra)

5) La morale des auteurs comme critère d’évaluation des textes ?

Gisèle Sapiro (EHESS), Emiliano Cavaliere (EHESS)

6) Le cas français dans le contexte mondial :

Raffaele Donnarumma (Pisa), Katie Ebner-Landy(Yale)

7) Qu’est-ce que les lois sur l’obscénité nous disent de la morale des textes :

Cristina Savettieri (Pisa), Enrica Zanin(Unistra)

8) Ethique et Politique en littérature aujourd’hui :

Frédérique Leichter-Flach (Science Po) Françoise Lavocat(Paris III, IUF)

Dialogue avec Rachel Cusk (prix Femina 22) : que dit la littérature de l’éthique ?

Contact : Enrica Zanin (ezanin[at] and Vincenza Perdichizzi (perdichizzi[at]