Lethica relies on an important national and international network, with scholars involved in different ways in research programs close to Lethica’s scientific project. In 2023-2024, the ITI will host Prof. Dominic Thomas (UCLA), winner of a Gutenberg Chair, for 18 months, as well as Prof. Keichiiro Matsumura from Okayama University in Japan for one year.
As far as artistic research is concerned, we also have links and fruitful national collaborations with the High School of the Arts on the Rhine (HEAR Strasbourg) and internationally with the High School of Pedagogy (HEP Vaud) in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Ludwigsburg Universität and the UQÀM (Montréal) – to name just a few ongoing partnerships.
In order to encourage multidisciplinarity and exchanges between researchers in the arts or literature, educators, philosophers and professors of medicine, we have developed a partnership with the RiRRa 21 team (EA 4209) in Montpellier, which has placed artistic research at the heart of its 2020-2025 scientific programme, with the 7505 research unit on Health, Education and Ethics in Tours, and, internationally, a forthcoming partnership with the German Karl Schlecht Foundation. Lethica will also develop collaborations with the Scientific Council of the "Délégation interministérielle de lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la haine anti-LGBT", whose president (of the scientific council), Smain Laacher, is a member of Lethica.
Most of Lethica’s members are currently involved in important research programs that will fuel the ITI-project over the years.
Lethica’s additional value rests therefore on its unique scientific perimeter, which unites philosophers, theologians, sociologists and medicine professors with specialists of arts and literatures – all concerned with past and contemporary ethical issues. It enhances the University of Strasbourg’s strategic position at the crossroads of converging academic interests and educational training in medical humanities.
In 2024, Lethica entered into a collaboration with the Centre Prospéro. Language, image and knowledge at the Université UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Brussels. The Centre Prospéro works at the crossroads of literature and philosophy, with a number of approaches (aesthetics, language, politics, literary theory, intermediality, etc.), and has a strong interdisciplinary character in its scientific dialogue with film, theatre and art studies, as well as the humanities and social sciences (history, sociology, linguistics, law, etc.).