Lethica implements a governance-framework based on one director and four collaborative assemblies: an Executive Committee, a Steering Committee for Research and Training and a Scientific Advisory Board. All members of Lethica will also meet annually during a General Assembly.
The Executive Committee is composed of the Coordinator, of the supervisors for each Lethica perspective, of the Scientific Advisory Board coordinator, and of the research engineer/project manager.
- The EC appoints Lethica's coordinator
- The EC settles Lethica’s strategy, following the advice given by the Steering Committee and the Scientific Advisory Board
- The EC allocates resources and arbitrates between competing uses of funds, if necessary. The EC may suggest evolutive adjustments among the research programs : cancellations, modifications, or adjunctions
- The EC assesses LETHICA’s achievements and monitors the implementation of the quality insurance system (balance sheet and annual indicators)
- The EC designs the content of the newsletter (produced and distributed by the research engineer)
- The EC supervises the elaboration and the follow-up of the Lethictionary
The Steering Committee for Research and Training is composed of appointed representatives of each faculty/college (“composantes”), of representatives of doctoral schools, of a representative of the IDIP (Institute for the Development of Innovative Pedagogy), of the head of the Diplôme Universitaire Lethica, and of the full Executive Committee.
- The SCRT proposes strategic orientations and alerts the executive committee to potential difficulties
- The SCRT defines the job profiles (and eventually research fields) for contracts (doctoral and postdoctoral contracts, project manager, administrative staff) ; it considers the applicants to those positions, and selects the candidates (interviews) ; it finally establishes a ranked list
- The SCRT supervises the quality insurance system (on the basis of reports by project supervisors (working in pairs) and of group members designated to handle particular “locking points” and “challenges”)
The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of external experts and of an internal coordinator.
- The SAB assesses the full Lethica project twice a year, advising on its interdisciplinary dimension and the development of research on Lethica's four main themes and perspectives.