Fictions pansantes. Bibliothérapies d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et d'ailleurs

Victoire Feuillebois and Anthony Mangeon (eds.), Hermann, 2023

The idea that books can heal is now very popular in the West, where 'bibliotherapy' workshops and books promising to improve psychological or physiological health through reading are proliferating. Giving literature an existential dimension, these new practices in fact draw on an imagination of the powers of fiction that has developed in Europe and elsewhere from the past to the present day, and of which this book offers the first general study. Literary representations of care and healing provide a better understanding of the foundations of the contemporary bibliotherapeutic hope, showing how books can claim to act on the body and mind and ultimately become a guide to life.

Table of contents and introduction (Fabula)


Report by Christopher Cosker (Acta Fabula)
Report by Marie-Jo Thiel (CEERE)
Report by Matilde Manara (La Vie des Idées)