Ecopoetics of past centuries
ECO/LIT Chair ("Ecology and Literature")
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ECO/LIT Chair ("Ecology and Literature")
The aim of this conference is to shed light on a phenomenon that is well known, that is recorded in the technical vocabulary (for once) when it refers to certain camera angles or lens types (bird-eye view, fisheye view), but which has yet to be analysed. For decades, very different fiction films, in…
The international symposium "Ethics and Literature today" aims to understand why morality is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of literary works today.
What is medicine of the mind? A spontaneous answer immediately summons a discipline in the sense of Foucault, since 'medicine today no longer has an external field' (Les Anormaux, 1999, p. 250). However, medicina mentis has long constituted a philosophical object, where the reference to pathology…
Based on the concept of the "tribune", theorised in particular by Chr. Biet, the aim of this symposium is to examine not only the nature but also the form of the reflections on ethical issues carried by the European theatre of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. If it is necessary to recontextualise…
January 26, 2023 : In partnership with Le Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg - Scène européenne
Rencontre avec la metteuse en scène Anne Monfort à l'occasion du spectacle Nostalgie 2175, d'Anja Hilling, au Théâtre National de Strasbourg Rencontre animée par Emmanuel Béhague Depuis maintenant une quinzaine d’année, Anne Monfort fait œuvre de passeuse de la dramaturgie de langue allemande…
"War does not have a woman's face" was the provocative title of a book by Svetlana Alexievitch in 1985: in reality, this book initiated a whole trend that entrusted women writers with the duty and the ability to bear witness to historical violence that official literature could not give voice to.…
The symposium "Tales on triage : work, enterprise, and ethical conflicts in 20th and 21st century literature and films" is part of the theme "triage" and with the historical approach of LETHICA. It will examine how the logics of sorting in the work process are represented, and therefore thought…
Mardi 11 octobre, 18 h, salle de conférence de la Misha
The next ITI Lethica Fall Graduate School will be held from 28 to 30 September 2022 and will focus on the ethical and aesthetic challenges of Artificial Intelligence. This topic was chosen for its contemporary relevance, but also for its interdisciplinarity and its proximity to the four central…
Based on the work of David Le Breton, this multidisciplinary international conference in the humanities and social sciences aims to explore bodies and how they are embedded in societies, 'traditional' practices and their adaptations, systems of thought and beliefs, imaginary worlds and bodily…
This symposium is part of the “moral revolutions” issue and takes place within the “historical approach” research perspective. The participants will pay particular attention to the ethical anchoring of the theme of peace in these two LETHICA problematics. Medieval narrative texts, marked by a…
International symposium
19-21 mai 2022 - BNU et Université de Strasbourg
by Raphaël PITTI Wednesday May 4, 2022 - 17:00-18:30 - MISHA
Dostoyevsky in the 21st century: ethics and polyphony
Conference and Debate proposed by Configurations Littéraires & Lethica : Alberto Zanin: « Triage in a war hospital: the case of the Kabul emergency room »
Documentary film by Régine Abadia
Participation de Rocio Munguia Aguilar (membre de Lethica) à la table ronde "Regards croisés : Questionner les récits manquants" au Maillon dans le cadre du Focus "Carte Noire : l’afroféminisme sur scène" (7 au 11 décembre)