Conference by Michel Agier "Retours sur l'hostipitalité"
January 26, 2023 : In partnership with Le Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg - Scène européenne
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January 26, 2023 : In partnership with Le Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg - Scène européenne
The symposium "Tales on triage : work, enterprise, and ethical conflicts in 20th and 21st century literature and films" is part of the theme "triage" and with the historical approach of LETHICA. It will examine how the logics of sorting in the work process are represented, and therefore thought…
Mardi 11 octobre, 18 h, salle de conférence de la Misha
The next ITI Lethica Fall Graduate School will be held from 28 to 30 September 2022 and will focus on the ethical and aesthetic challenges of Artificial Intelligence. This topic was chosen for its contemporary relevance, but also for its interdisciplinarity and its proximity to the four central…
by Raphaël PITTI Wednesday May 4, 2022 - 17:00-18:30 - MISHA
Conference and Debate proposed by Configurations Littéraires & Lethica : Alberto Zanin: « Triage in a war hospital: the case of the Kabul emergency room »