Conférence : "Mon corps Mon moi"
par Catherine Desprats-Péquignot, MCF HDR honoraire de l'Université Paris-Cité, psychanalyste et psychologue clinicienne
Vous êtes ici :
par Catherine Desprats-Péquignot, MCF HDR honoraire de l'Université Paris-Cité, psychanalyste et psychologue clinicienne
Conférence de Paola Cattani
Conférence de Sonia Weber, psychanalyste strasbourgeoise et directrice de l'association Visa-vie
Journée d'études organisée par Victoire Feuillebois (GEO) et Bertrand Marquer (CERIEL)
L'artiste italien Paolo Cirio est en résidence à Lethica de mi-novembre à mi-décembre 2023 puis en avril 2024.
The international symposium "Ethics and Literature today" aims to understand why morality is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of literary works today.
The next ITI Lethica Fall Graduate School will be held from 28 to 30 September 2022 and will focus on the ethical and aesthetic challenges of Artificial Intelligence. This topic was chosen for its contemporary relevance, but also for its interdisciplinarity and its proximity to the four central…
This symposium is part of the “moral revolutions” issue and takes place within the “historical approach” research perspective. The participants will pay particular attention to the ethical anchoring of the theme of peace in these two LETHICA problematics. Medieval narrative texts, marked by a…
International symposium
Documentary film by Régine Abadia
What is the point of telling stories? On the relationship between ethics and literature