« Faire cas » du deuil par l’écriture : les journaux de deuil d’écrivains contemporains
Conférence de Maïté Snauwaert (Université de l’Alberta)
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Conférence de Maïté Snauwaert (Université de l’Alberta)
Symposium international à l'Université de Strasbourg, soutenu par Lethica
Conférence de Sonia Weber, psychanalyste strasbourgeoise et directrice de l'association Visa-vie
L'artiste italien Paolo Cirio est en résidence à Lethica de mi-novembre à mi-décembre 2023 puis en avril 2024.
Based on the concept of the "tribune", theorised in particular by Chr. Biet, the aim of this symposium is to examine not only the nature but also the form of the reflections on ethical issues carried by the European theatre of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. If it is necessary to recontextualise…
"War does not have a woman's face" was the provocative title of a book by Svetlana Alexievitch in 1985: in reality, this book initiated a whole trend that entrusted women writers with the duty and the ability to bear witness to historical violence that official literature could not give voice to.…
The next ITI Lethica Fall Graduate School will be held from 28 to 30 September 2022 and will focus on the ethical and aesthetic challenges of Artificial Intelligence. This topic was chosen for its contemporary relevance, but also for its interdisciplinarity and its proximity to the four central…
International symposium organized by Victoire Feuillebois (Groupe d'Études Orientales, Slaves et Néo-helléniques [GEO], UR 1340) and Anthony Mangeon (Configurations littéraires [CL], UR 1337)
What is the point of telling stories? On the relationship between ethics and literature