Events Archive

Symposium : Ethics of ordinary madness: medicine, philosophy, literature

What is medicine of the mind? A spontaneous answer immediately summons a discipline in the sense of Foucault, since 'medicine today no longer has an external field' (Les Anormaux, 1999, p. 250). However, medicina mentis has long constituted a philosophical object, where the reference to pathology…

9 11 March 2023
9h 17h
MISHA - University of Strasbourg

Rencontre avec la metteuse en scène Anne Monfort, à l'occasion du spectacle Nostalgie 2175 d'Anja Hilling, au Théâtre National de Strasbourg

Rencontre avec la metteuse en scène Anne Monfort à l'occasion du spectacle Nostalgie 2175, d'Anja Hilling, au Théâtre National de Strasbourg Rencontre animée par Emmanuel Béhague   Depuis maintenant une quinzaine d’année, Anne Monfort fait œuvre de passeuse de la dramaturgie de langue allemande…

8 December 2022
Goethe Institut

Symposium "Bodies, identities and societies. Around David Le Breton"

Based on the work of David Le Breton, this multidisciplinary international conference in the humanities and social sciences aims to explore bodies and how they are embedded in societies, 'traditional' practices and their adaptations, systems of thought and beliefs, imaginary worlds and bodily…

8 9 September 2022
9h 17h

Cycle of lectures by Jean-Marie Apostolidès (Stanford University)

Cycle of lectures by J.-M. Apostolidès, guest of the Master Degree CLE, in the frame of the projetc "living, writing, thinking, interpreting moral revolutions, from yesterday to tomorrow" (for various audiences: master CLE, UR 1337, agrégation de lettres modernes, members of Lethica) Le Portique -…

22 24 November 2021
16h 9h14