Study Session: Does war have a woman's face? Perspectives on testimonial literature between Ukraine and Russia

2 December 2022
Salle In Quarto. Studium

"War does not have a woman's face" was the provocative title of a book by Svetlana Alexievitch in 1985: in reality, this book initiated a whole trend that entrusted women writers with the duty and the ability to bear witness to historical violence that official literature could not give voice to. The recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia leads us to examine this trend from a double perspective: on the one hand, it is a question of questioning the specific part of Ukrainian literature (Russian-speaking or Ukrainian-speaking) in this trend, while it is largely minorized in studies of Russian literature; on the other hand, it is a question of analyzing the most recent texts that raise the question of the testimonial contribution in the specific context of the ongoing war.

Location: In Quarto room. Studium, 2 rue Blaise Pascal, Strasbourg