Fall Graduate School : Ethics and Literature

What is the point of telling stories? On the relationship between ethics and literature

30 September 2 October 2021
Esplanade campus - University of Strasbourg

12 hours of high-level training which have gathered 75 master and doctoral students and researchers who wanted to deepen their knowledge of the relationship between ethics and literature. Two of LETHICA's themes ("making a case" and "moral revolutions") have been addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Does reading make us happy? How do stories help medical diagnosis and guide the construction of automatic vehicles? Why were women forbidden to read novels? The study of the relationship between ethics and literature will provide answers to these questions. The first session will be devoted to the "case": international specialists will explain why the brief account of a particular situation (a case) is an essential tool for philosophy, sociology, psychology and medicine. A practical workshop will introduce us to think by case. We will also consider the 'happiness' that can be derived from reading, based on the methods developed by welfare economics. A second session will be devoted to the evolution of the relationship between ethics and literature from antiquity to modern times. Lunches and coffee breaks (provided by the school) will allow the dialogue to continue in a convivial spirit.

Validation :

  • Evaluation: for Master students, a written presentation of 8-10 pages to be agreed with Enrica Zanin and/or Jean-Christophe Weber.

  • For PhD students and “stage en laboratoires”: certificates of attendance for validation of hours.

Program  :

Thursday, September 30, 2021 - Alain Beretz amphitheatre (Bât. Nouveau Patio / La Présidence - Campus Esplanade - Strasbourg)
  • 17:00 : Inauguration of Lethica
    Welcome address: Jean-Christophe Weber (Directeur du Master Éthique – CEERE - Université de Strasbourg)
    Presentation of Thematic Interdisciplinary Institutes : Catherine Florentz (Vice-présidente Prospective et actions stratégiques – Université de Strasbourg)
    Presentation of Lethica Anthony Mangeon (coordonnateur de l'iti), Bertrand Marquer, Emmanuel Behague, Enrica Zanin (porteurs d’axes)
  • 17:30 : Opening conference : « Les récits de réparation : une éthique de la justesse » by Alexandre Gefen (Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS)
  • 19:00 : Festive buffet : hall of the nearby building l’ESCARPE
Friday October 1 Alain Beretz amphitheatre (Bât. Nouveau Patio / La Présidence - Campus Esplanade - Strasbourg)

First session : thinking by case
8:30 → 17:30

Saturdy octobre 2, Amphitheatre 3 (Institut Le Bel - Campus Esplanade - Strasbourg)

Second session: toward a history of the relationship between ethics and literature
9:00 → 13:15

festive lunch → 15:00 : end of all activities

Download the detailed program → here

Confirmed speakers :

Alexandre Gefen (Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS)
Matthias Roick (Philosophy, Goettingen Universität) 
Jean-Christophe Weber (Médicine, Université de Strasbourg) 
Gabriel Abend (Sociology, Lucerne University)
Jean-François Bonnefon (Business School, Toulouse) 
Mathieu Perona (Paris, CEPREMAP)
Anna Schriefl (Humboldt Universität, Berlin)
Franziska Meier (Goettingen Universität)
Claudia Rossignoli (University of St-Andrews)
Béatrice Guion (Université de Strasbourg)
Enrica Zanin (Université de Strasbourg)

This work of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute LETHICA, as part of the ITI 2021-2028 program of the University of Strasbourg, CNRS and Inserm, was supported byIdEx Unistra (ANR-10-IDEX-0002), and by SFRI-STRAT’US project (ANR-20-SFRI-0012)under the framework of the French Investments for the Future Program.