Cycle of lectures by Jean-Marie Apostolidès (Stanford University)

22 24 November 2021
16h 9h14

Cycle of lectures by J.-M. Apostolidès, guest of the Master Degree CLE, in the frame of the projetc "living, writing, thinking, interpreting moral revolutions, from yesterday to tomorrow" (for various audiences: master CLE, UR 1337, agrégation de lettres modernes, members of Lethica) Le Portique - salle 409 :

1) Monday, November 22, 4-6pm: "Théâtre kaléidoscope"

2) Tuesday, November 23, 6-8pm: "Cyrano de Bergerac, by Edmond Rostand

3) Wednesday, November 24, 3.30-5.30 pm: "Heroism and victimisation, twenty years later"

The entry point to approach his work in the framework of Lethica is the theme of 'moral revolutions', since M. Apostolidès has been interested in the major mutations of Western sensibility, explored over several generations (see in particular Heroism and victimisation, 2003).

Download the summary of these lectures here